
7 Very Common Misconceptions About Water Treatment In Dubai

December 5, 2018

There are several myths and misconceptions about water treatment in Dubai and its safety for consumption.

Let us delve deeper and find out the truth behind Dubai’s water treatment process and what Dubai is doing to counteract these beliefs regarding drinking water in Dubai.

1. Tap water = Safe to drink

The topic of water treatment in Dubai has been long debated, and most recent reports seem to suggest that residents and authorities are close to meeting somewhere in the middle on the subject. While the UAE insists that the process of water treatment in Dubai and tap water in general, is completely safe for human consumption, residents are still resistant to the idea. New research now indicates that tap water is potable when it leaves the processing plant, however, there isn’t much they can do once it leaves the plant. The problem is with the poorly maintained residential holding tanks used to store water before use and now the argument has moved to who is responsible for maintaining those residential tanks.

2. Removing dissolved solids = deprivation of essential minerals

Some believe that when you abate the dissolved solids from tap water, by way of a water purification system,  you will no longer be receiving essential nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium. The issue with this is, the nutrients are an inorganic form, and your body can’t digest these in the same way.

3. Safe water = Bottled water

During the 8th community lecture hosted by the Emirates Environmental Group where attendees discussed challenges facing the Middle East’s water footprint, a key concern was the majority of the residents’ dependence on bottled water. The challenge is this:

  • Population and economic growth in recent years have significantly increased demand
  • The country is located in an arid environmental zone
  • Water resources are quickly diminishing

Bottled water presents it’s own challenge, while potentially giving residents peace of mind with health safety regarding contaminated tap water and water treatment in Dubai in general.  Bottled water poses a great threat to the environment considering the related carbon footprint in regards to production/delivery processes depending on fossil based energy in the region.

4. Water from a reverse osmosis system = leeching essential minerals from your body

Absolutely nothing is leeched from your body while drinking water purified in a reverse-osmosis system or distiller. The EPA actually encourages the use of reverse osmosis to remove some substances. Seawater is the only source for drinking water and some are concerned with the chemicals involved in the desalination process. In these cases, residents choose to install a water filter in Dubai, alleviating the hard water issue.

5. Desalination plants = non-renewable fossil fuels

It’s a common misconception that desalination must use non-renewable fossil fuels in order to have power. This is not true. The Australian plant in Perth conducts their process powered 100% by wind.

6. Salt = Sea

Salt does not have to go back to the sea after the water treatment process, this is yet another misconception, as the brine is broken down into sodium hydroxide and hydrogen, which can be used in other processes, including:

  • disinfectant/purifier
  • making plastics
  • manufacturing hydrochloric acid
  • potential of pollution-free fuel

7. Quality = sole responsibility of water treatment plant

Residents cannot rely solely on the water treatment plant to make and keep saltwater potable, since this involves a complex distribution system where maintenance of tanks and pipes in these buildings play an integral role and must be kept in good working order.

If you would like more information on the water treatment process or filtration and purification products, Click Here to visit So~Safe and find the products just right for your needs.

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